Something I was learning about that I found related in a weird way to PAWC. Bear with me...
So, our closest primate ancestors are the Bonobo's. (I think they are particularly interesting because they are constantly having sex with each other... regardless of male/female, and sex has completely replaced any violence within their culture. Make love not war).
one of the signs of cultural similarity between humans and these chimps was their rudimentary "tool" use. The most common example is using a stick to retrieve termites out of a mound. Some different groups of bonobos would take the leaves off of the stick first, and others wouldn't, creating distinctions among group behaviors. The beginning of culture.
It is also suspected that the chimps wouldn't necessarily teach the others how to use the tools. Learning came through immitation. mimesis. Mimesis led to the development of culture!
Think about it.
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