Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eclectic Analysis! "Touch of Grey" - Grateful Dead

I am a dead head, that's all there is too it.
This is a music video of the dead doing "Touch of Grey."

Open Listening 1)
* The beating of the drum sticks starts off the song. There is a flash of hangs playing on a keyboard but they suddenly turn in to bones. Skeleton arms "tune" while the crowd cheers.

* The setting is seemingly at a concert. The camera switches point of views from audience, onstage and backstage. Lights spin around and out over audience. The stage looks far away.

* There is constant background crowd noise. There is a hollow beat sound, and a repeating set of notes.

*The band are skeletons! There is a large picture of their "logo" behind them. A skeleton face surrounded by roses.

*The drummer is smoking (a joint most likely?). Each skeleton clearly represents one of the band members. The skeletons move to play the instruments and sing.

*You can see the strings moving/holding up the puppets.
The skeletons are seriously rocking out.

*Chorus - "I will get by," followed by that same repeating set of notes. "I will survive."

*The drummer skeleton is wearing converse.

*The skeleton band turns into the real band, and back and forth.

*Someone from the audience throws a rose and the skeleton catches it in his mouth. Symbolism! The rose is the dead's symbol of choice.

*A crew member chases a dog across the stage on "the dog hasn't been fed in years." A crew member also tries to put the drummer skeleton back together, because apparently it had fallen apart in the visual world of the video.

*The band don't really look like rockstars. They look like normal, older men. They are not very attractive per se, but they look like they love what they do and they are having a good time.

*"It's alright."

*Equal camera time is spent on each band member. There isn't one "diva," or someone who stands out more than the others. It seems like a real group effort.

*Chorus changes to "we will get by, we will survive.

*As the song ends the camera pans up to skeleton arms controlling strings. Skeleton puppet master. Skeletons controlling skeletons or real people? Death controlling people? Aware strings would show and capitalized on that?

*crowd goes wild.

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